
Please leave us a note here in the guestbook and/or add your thoughts to the other pages.

19 thoughts on “Guestbook

  1. I am so happy that this memorial site exists! Robert is still very much alive in all of our hearts, so this will do even more to keep the stories and memories flowing! This will definitely be a bookmark on my computer and iPad, to visit frequently! 🙂 We love you Robert and miss you everyday!!!! xoxo

  2. What can I say?
    In the 35 years of knowing Robert we had so many memories together that I will never forget.
    There were so many times that we laughed to the point of tears that I could not count them all.
    I miss my friend dearly every day.


  3. Love this..glad there is a central place everyone who knew Robert can go. Thanks for making this site ill be an avid reader. Love u ma and pa….Robert will always be missed and loved…


  4. This is so like Robert isn’t it – bringing everyone together even after he is gone!! Eileen, you’ve done a great job at putting this together and creating a place for everyone to go, share the grief and the good memories too!

    Blessings and prayers,


  5. What a wonderful idea Eileen!
    Although I miss him immensely, I often think about Robert and all the good times we shared over the last 35 years, which always leaves me with a smile and a good memory. I will never forget him, and this site will certainly help keep him with all of us for the rest of our lives!

  6. This is a wonderful site to honor Robert’s memory.I think the Fundraiser is a great idea and am sure it will be a great success.
    Keeping you in our Prayers.

  7. This site is wonderful reflection of Robert. He had a big heart and helped us all in his on way. My thoughts and prayers are with you Eileen. I will always remember Robert and his wonderful smile. Robert would love this site.

  8. Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep
    I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle Auutumn’s rain
    When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night
    Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there, I DID NOT DIE…..
    HUGS from …..VONNIE

  9. Beautiful website to honour beautiful Robert; Love your artwork, Eileen, the hands appear 3D. Simply beautiful.

  10. i’ve known robert for sometime in sept.99 five of us including robert went to a nascar race in New Hampshire we had a great time very sad to see robert gone he also had a great passion for hunting like as i do. rest in peace and god bless.

  11. I think of you often Pa….hoping that where ever you ended up you’re having the time of your life brother. You’ll never be forgotten. Miss you man. Peace.

  12. April 8 2013
    I would have liked to have met and known Robert . He looks like such a kind loving person.. One can see it in his eyes and also see how happy he made the people in his life.There are some of the biggest smiles I have ever seen in this tribute. You guys all look so full of life and happiness in the pictures. Lynn and I had traveled around so much, seeking the ultimate career choices, (the grass never is greener), that we missed out on a lot at home in NS .. We never had the chance to put down roots long enough in Halifax during our adult lives Anyone who knows me, knows I am always a late. This time very late with this response. Eileen you would have kicked me out of your class for this .lol . This tribute touched me and is so beautiful and heart felt that I felt I had to post. even if it is very very late… I am so sorry for all of Robert’s family and friends for their loss of such a seemingly wonderful loved one. For you Eileen, I had always assumed you would only ever have the best in life. I am so sorry you have had to suffer these awful losses. My thoughts, prayers and best wishes for happier times will always be with you and your family.

  13. I read the post Eileen posted about Robert telling her ” I Hope people don’t forget me “. If there is one person on this earth that would be impossible to forget, it is that man, Robert Sampson. I Have never met a more caring, loving and more open and honest person my entire trip on this planet we call earth. I strive to be like Robert more every day I am here. He impacted me so greatly, he will NEVER EVER be forgotten. RIP my friend, whatever river you are fishing or bike you are riding, or friend you are helping, RiDE HARD dear friend, You will always be missed.


  14. Eileen – I don’t know how we’ve missed this site but I now have it marked to follow. What a wonderful tribute to a beautiful man – both inside and out!! I know Robert would be proud of you organizing his scholarship. Hugs to you. Lynn & Peter

  15. Eileen,
    I was so sorry to learn about Roberts passing. I have been out of touch with the Sir John A crowd since attending the reunion in 1998, and only learned of it today. I remember Robert fondly from Sir John A. It was Robert’s enthusiasm and school spirit that really made the class of ’78 special. I am so sorry for your loss. Carole (Enman) Chittick

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